"Behold, I [the Lord] have given the Levites all the tithe in Israel as an inheritance, in return for their service which they perform, the service of the Tent of Meeting (tabernacle)." Numbers 18:21

We've heard the quote, "Tis the season of giving," but how many of us are seeing out bank accounts run a little dry? With holidays, Black Friday, gifts, parties, food, seasonal decor, and everything else, it can seem like the better and wiser option is to keep 100% of our monthly income.
But if we keep all our portions, who will take care of those serving in God's House this Christmas?
The Levites
As we see in the verse above, God gave the Levites the whole tithe as an inheritance for their service to His House. The Levites were the tribe of Israel where priests came from. They were specifically dedicated to the Lord to perform all the sacrifices required in the Jewish law. They didn't have time to "work" like the other tribes did, and as a result God gave their compensation through the tithe.

Being a Levite was a very humbling responsibility. In fact, God told them, "You shall have no inheritance in the land, nor have any portion among them. I am your portion and your inheritance among the children of Israel" (Numbers 18:20). Levites worked day and night preparing and sacrificing the people's offerings to the Lord. They atoned the sins of the people through their dutities.
Church Staff Today
As I read their requirements for the people of Israel, I see a connection between them and those that work in ministry today. Missionaries, Pastors, Evangelists, Apostles, Prophets, and those staffed in ministry likewise serve the House of the Lord just like Levites did back then. People today may not be atoning sins for us, but they are praying, serving, and dedicating their entire work life to God's People (us). And as a result they should be compensated through our tithes and offerings.

"Then the Lord spoke to Aaron, 'Now behold, I have ENTRUSTED you with My heave offerings, even all the holy gifts of the Israelites, I have given them to you as a PORTION, and to your SONS as a continual allotment" (Numbers 18:8).
Yes, the tithe/our giving is completely the Lord's (Leviticus 27:30), but to help provide for those who have completely set their inheritance on Him by working in His House, God graciously has declared for them to receive a portion of the giving.
Whether we call the act of giving in today's time a "tithe" or an "offering" (2 Corinthians 9:7), the point is that God has ordained for His workers to received compensation from fellow members of the family since he established His Bride (Israel). He didn't say that the Levites should receive their pay from foreign people, but fellow brothers and sisters within the body.
Our responsibility is the same. We shouldn't expect or assume our brothers and sisters in Christ to receive compensation from the lost. As believers, we have a duty to give to the church, first as an offering to the Lord, and second as a compensation for the workers of the ministry to receive pay.
What's cool too is the Lord instructs those in the church to give a "tithe of the tithe" (Numbers 18:26), telling the Levites to give a portion of the portion they received also to the Lord (just like the other tribes, or us, gave to them a portion to them for the Lord).
So EVERYONE is to:
Receive pay for their work/labor
Tithe/Give an offering to the Lord regardless of what they do as a job.

This holiday season, I HIGHLY encourage you to give to those who work in the ministry. They are laying down earthly inheritances and devoting themselves wholly to the Lord for health of the church (us) and the advancement of the Gospel.
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Merry Christmas 🎄 🎁