"My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments." - Proverbs 3:1
I'm excited to announce this challenge. This whole month we'll be meditating on Proverbs 3 - Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart. My challenge is for us to consistently speak over ourselves the promises God says in this chapter, while also exposing truth inside our carnal hearts (Do we really trust the Lord with ALL our hearts? Do we consider ourselves wise? Do we fear the Lord like we should?)

I also want to challenge us to memorize a section of verses from Proverbs 3 (see below). When we memorize scripture, we meditate on each word, which makes God's Word come more alive.
Find (a) section(s) of scripture(s) (see below) that really speak into your current season (what do you need) and memorize that part. You can also memorize the whole chapter.
I'll post reflection questions for each section throughout the month to help us see the true conditions of our hearts. This can be uncomfortable but the great news is God doesn't want to keep us in our funk. He wants to transform our hearts to be exactly like His!
Sections in Proverbs 3:
Faithfulness (vs 1-4)
Trust (vs 5-8)
Wealth (vs 9-10)
Discipline (vs 11-12)
Wisdom (vs 13-18)
Creator (vs 19-20)
Results of Wisdom (vs 21-24)
Do Nots (vs 25-32)
Curses vs Blessings (vs 33-35)