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Back-to-School Challenge

Encouraging you with helpful tips and advice as you send your child off to school or are going back yourself.




freshman year of high school...

Entering senior year of high school and trying to figure out what to do next...

Moving away and starting college for the first time...

Entering last year of college and about to graduate...


By Cecylie Belt

My name is Cecylie, and I am going to share my story and some encouragement in having a relationship with God, defending what you believe in, and God being your friend while in school, work and in your everyday life.


When I was 5 years old, I decided I wanted to follow the Lord, and get saved. Growing up, I was taught to have a genuine relationship with God. A relationship is not just a one-way conversation. Yet a relationship is between two people who want to know each other. How would you feel if you had a friend who talked to you about all of their problems, and they never gave you the chance to say anything, but expected you to have all of the answers? That wouldn’t be a very good friend, yet that is what a lot of us do to God. We pray to get what we want but forget to stop talking and listen to what He has to say. Having a relationship with God is so much more than receiving blessings. God is your best friend and wants to talk to you and know you. He gives you peace in the storm and grace when it’s not deserved.


Going into this school year, I encourage you to find yourself in the Lord first. Friends are great to have but a relationship with the Father is so much more important and should come first. Friends come and go but God remains. James 4:4, talks about whoever wants to be friends with the world, makes themselves an enemy of God. When I think of that verse and also see how the word tells us in proverbs 12:26, that we should choose our friends carefully, because the way of the wicked leads the righteous astray. I want to really focus on that and see how the Lord wants to guide my friendships. God is the best friend you could ever ask for and He will also give you fruitful friendships to grow with you. Every season is different and can look different. You may have many, few or just one good friend to chase after the Lord with. I encourage you to depend on God and not in your friends. Friends are great and I love how God gives us relationships to grow together, but humans are not perfect. If all of your faith and strength is in a friend and not in God, if they fall and stray away from God, then you will fall with them instead of lifting them up and letting God do the rest.


If you are in a season that you don’t have any friends or you want to be closer to the Lord, then I encourage you to learn God’s voice and let Him be your firm foundation. He loves to talk to you and get to know you deeper. He wants to be the constant friend that when people move away or you grow apart, He stays. He never fails and He is always there to catch you when you fall and to be a listening ear and give you direction and a loving voice. Read the word and pray daily. Don’t only pray to ask for things, but give thanks for what you have and ask for Him to flow through you and give Him access to guide your steps. Listen to His voice to see what He has to say to you. In Matthew 7:7-8 it talks about asking and it will be given to you and to seek and you will find. When seeking the Lord, you have to learn how to listen. Listening is one of the most important things I have learned to do with God. It’s not always easy to find time to sit with the Lord, but trust me it is worth it. Find a quiet place and seek the Lord. Give praise, give thanks, read His word, and listen to His voice. He is so good and He will show you how to live out His word. Let Him guide you and listen closely to His voice during the day, because He is always there and ready to talk to you whenever you give Him the time.


When I was in eighth grade, my friend group consisted of Christians, non-Christians, atheists, and also people who didn’t know what they believed. I was the one who wouldn’t cuss with them or gossip about other students. I showed love to them and tried to let God shine through me to them. I wasn’t perfect and sometimes I would talk about other people and not show the love of Jesus to them. You will not be perfect and never make mistakes, but I encourage you to stand up for what you believe in and let God defend himself because the word of God defends who God is. Even though I disagreed with them and they didn’t know the Lord, I let God shine through me and that’s all God asks us to do. Be a light in the darkness and be led by the Holy Spirit. Listen to His voice at school or work or wherever you are. He will guide your conversations, and show you how to be a light and show His love.


This is a new season that you are stepping into and I want to give you a list of declarations that my parents have given me to say over my life. Proverbs 18:21 talks about having life and death in the power of your tongue. Declaring life over yourself is really important. What you speak has power, so use it for good and not evil. Speak life over yourself and over others. I encourage you to speak these out loud daily over your life and over your family.



  • I will follow Jesus all the days of my life.

  • Rebuke satan's plans and put God's perfect plan into action.

  • Cover my mind body and soul with the blood of Jesus.

  • I will live by faith - fear will not control me.  2 Timothy 1:7

  • I am the head and not the tail above and not beneath. Deuteronomy 28:13

  • God is my defender. Zechariah 9:15, 12:8

  • I resist the devil and he will flee from me. James 4:7

  • I have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16

  • I will have nothing to do with evil or darkness. Ephesians 5:11

  • No weapon formed against me. Will prosper. Isaiah 54:17

  • God will silence every word spoken against me. Isaiah 54:17

  • No evil shall befall me nor shall any plague come near my dwelling.

  • Lord Jesus give your angles charge over me. Psalm 91:11


As you are stepping into your freshmen year, take in the moments with the Lord. Listen to His voice and learn His heart and character. He loves you and longs for a relationship with you. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” Matthew 7:7. Seek the Lord in all that you do and you will find Him.


With love,

Cecylie Belt

Meet the Writer:


My name is Cecylie Belt and I am from Magnolia Arkansas. I am a junior at Mississippi College studying interdisciplinary studies with emphasis on missions, ministry and music. I love the Lord and excited to see where the He leads me!

Instagram: @Cecylie1528   |   Facebook: Cecylie Belt


By Brenna Warrick

It’s your last year of high school.

Can you believe it? There are a

few milestones in life that you

never forget: graduating college,

getting your first “adult” job,

getting married, having your first

child, buying your first house, and

of course, graduating high school.


I bet you’re feeling a whirlwind of

emotions as you start your senior

year. Maybe it feels bittersweet

because of sports, teachers, and

best friends you'll leave behind.

You might be excited to leave

the house and eager for a fresh

start in college. At the same time, you might feel anxious because your hometown is all you've ever known and you’re scared of change. You might even be overwhelmed by the pressure of choosing the "right" university and the uncertainty of getting accepted. Yes, your senior year of high school can indeed feel like a lot to handle.


I want you to know that if you're experiencing these emotions or even a mix of them all, you're not alone. I've been there, and so have countless others. However, I challenge you to intentionally invite God into this season of your life. In the midst of all this "craziness," He can make it the sweetest season. The anxiety can turn into an opportunity to trust him with your future and surrender control. The stress can become a chance to depend on God and give the burden to Him. The goodbyes can turn into beautiful opportunities to create lasting memories.


As you navigate this final year of high school, I want to offer you three pieces of advice.


Cling to Christ.

Your senior year will likely be your busiest year. In addition, so many voices will try to tell you what to do with your life. Your parents may want you to go where they graduated from, counselors may be encouraging you in a specific direction, your friends are putting pressure on you to go where they are going, or people are making you question your decision to go to college in the first place. But what is God saying? In times of such critical decisions, it’s essential to hear God’s voice clearly.


But how can you recognize God’s voice if you aren’t even close to him?


Mark 12:30 says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” This truly is the greatest investment you could ever make. He is the best father, friend, lover, protector, counselor and you need him. You need him in your senior year of high school. He will guide you through uncertainty and open the doors that need to be opened. Cling to Christ and he will direct your steps. You’ll look back at your senior year after graduation, and see how good and faithful he truly was.


Be present.

Your senior year is filled with lots of lasts. Your last Friday night lights, a bus ride with your teammates, homecoming dances, or lunch with friends in the cafeteria, and the list can go on and on. But amidst all the excitement, there's a constant pull towards the future. Questions about college and post-high school plans can often dominate your thoughts. While it's important to plan for the future, I encourage you to be present. Be where your feet are. Don't let the anticipation of what's next rob you of the joy in the now. Spend less time on your phone and more time with the people around you. Invest in the moments you have left in high school - you’ll never get this year back! Make a bucket list of experiences and accomplishments you want to achieve this year. Maybe you want to be class president, go camping with your entire graduating class, host a lip sync battle, or break a school record. What's stopping you? This is the year to have fun and create memories!


Leave a legacy.

Your senior year is also the perfect time to make a lasting impact. As Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Put effort into your classes and make good grades. If you’re in band or choir, stay later in practice to make sure you are ready to perform at your best. Be a great student and get to know your teachers. Be a great friend and love the people around you so well! Be a great follower of Christ and let your light shine! Whatever role you may have at your school, be excellent in it! Show up and give your best every day. Think, after I leave this place .. what kind of impact did I make on the people in my class, coaches, lunch ladies, janitors, or principal? How do I want to be remembered? This is your chance to leave a positive legacy at your high school, one that reflects your character and the love of Christ.


If you can do these 3 things well, I fully believe you will move on from this season without any regrets and move into the next with excitement and joy!



Thank you, Jesus, for this sweet season of life. Thank you for everything you do for me. Lord, help me to desire you above all else. Help me to fall more in love with you than ever before. I speak peace, joy, and confidence over myself. I am your child and have the ability to do great things. Set my mind on the things that truly matter.


Jesus, help me to feel your presence and love in the classroom, athletics, interactions, and lunchroom. Everywhere I go, make yourself evident to me. Lord, help me to hear your voice above my own, the enemy's, and everyone else's. Guide my decisions this year and equip me with discernment. Open the doors that need to be opened and shut the doors that need to be shut. Lord, help me to trust you more than I ever have before. Help me to make this my best year yet! In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.


I’m rooting for you! I’m proud of everything you’ve accomplished to get to where you are today and more importantly God is proud of you. He loves you more than you know. You are going to do great things this year! The best is yet to come!


With Love,

Brenna Warrick


Meet the Writer:


Brenna Warrick is an Arkansas native and is currently pursuing a BBA in Marketing at Southern Arkansas University. She is set to graduate this December and hopes to go into Sales or Marketing.

Instagram: @TheBrennaWarrick  |   Facebook: Brenna Warrick


By Cecilia Quesada

Welcome to the next doorway God has brought you too. Come on in, it’s gonna be a good one :) as someone who moved over 850 miles away from home for college, I’ve been in your shoes and there are some things I’d like to share with you to tuck in your heart as you walk through this next door. Take what speaks to you, put aside what is not for you, and ask God for the wisdom to know the difference.

First, I want to just encourage you in the choice you made for college. Whether it was an easy choice or a difficult one, whether you are still questioning it or not, be affirmed right now in where you are. The decision was made, congrats on where you are, now step into it :)

Moving away can be hard and will come with many challenges, but it will also come with many blessings that would not have been possible had you not moved. Trust me when I say I understand homesickness, but one of the biggest pieces of advice I have for you is be present where you are at. When you are at college, be present there. When you go back home and visit, be present there. It’s okay and good to stay connected to others who aren’t with you, but don’t let this overtake being present where you are. If you try to hold on too tightly to all the things that brought you comfort from back home, you won’t have free hands to receive the blessings God is trying to give you at college. Let him bless you, it is the most beautiful and exciting thing ever.

When I went to college, I learned a lot about myself, and I know you will too. Moving far away from quite literally everyone you’ve ever known, you have a big choice to make. “Who do I want to be?” Now, I don’t mean, “What do I want to do as a career?”, I mean really sitting with the question, “Who am I?”. On the one hand, there’s a temptation to put on a face and act a certain way to fit in with whoever will take you in first so that you’re not alone. After all, no one knows you here. On the other hand, there’s a temptation to want to start over from your previous life and begin completely new.

To the former temptation I say, you’re not free unless you’re free to fully be who God created you to be. The fear of loneliness is a very real, very strong fear, but finding the right group of people is so crucial for you in this chapter of your life as you encounter and navigate many new things. College is both a battlefield and a garden; find people, and welcome those placed in your path, that will be both a soldier by your side and a sunflower that points you to the sun. Never forget your old friends from back home, for they helped shape you, but take time to reflect on the kind of people you want and need on your battlefield and in your garden here and now. One of the biggest things I asked the Lord to provide for me was a good, solid group of people, and He did, for every season of college, He did. Proverbs 27:9 says, “Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy,” and that’s exactly what happened. These relationships were honest, vulnerable, steadfast, joyful, and life-giving. Keep this in mind when building friendships, both for who you let into your heart and for how you yourself treat your friends. Don’t short-change yourself in the friend department, it can either be expensive or priceless, you decide.

Now to address the later temptation I say, college is not the place to “start over” if you didn’t particularly like who you were or who you hung out with in high school, it’s the place to grow from as you allow the Lord to continue to shape you. Sometimes we want to “leave the old me behind”, and that’s okay to an extent, but remember, that’s still part of your story. There’s no “old you” or “new you”, there’s just you – learning, growing you. Never discredit your past or try and pretend it doesn’t matter. It’s good to want to change some things and better yourself, but in order to see your growth you must know the ground in which you’re growing from to see how high you go.

God never promises easy, but He does promise to be with you. One of my favorite verses of all time is Isaiah 43:1-2, “But now thus says the Lord, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” In this verse there is the assurance of trials, but more importantly, there’s the assurance of a Companion and Protector who has claimed you as His own and who will be with you in everything. Another verse to keep in your back pocket is Nehemiah 8:10, “The joy of the LORD is [my] strength.” I spoke this verse over myself every day through some of the hardest times of my life, even when I didn’t feel like it. I can now confidently say through it all, the joy of the Lord truly was my strength.

Despite the challenges, college truly is one of the most exciting times so put yourself out there and enjoy it! Take in all the little things and exciting moments, the adrenaline rush of something new, the accents and outfits of different cultures, the road trips with friends, the sometimes strange but always fun school events. Don’t let these moments pass you by, they will become some of your favorite memories. God is a God of the details and the more you stop and look around, you’ll start to see the bouquets of flowers (small and big alike) that He’s placed in each and every day, just for you.

No matter what this new journey brings, always remember, your identity and your future is not in your academics, athletics, art, music, club, sorority/fraternity, or (fill in the blank); you are first and foremost a child of the most high God, and He is holding you in His hands every step of the way. “You observe my travels and my rest; You are aware of all my ways…You have encircled me; You have placed your hand on me…If I live at the eastern horizon or settle at the western limits, even there your hand will lead me; your right hand will hold on to me,” (Psalm 139:3,5,9-10). Find freedom in this. Now go get ‘em!



Cecilia Y. Quesada

Meet the Writer:


Cecilia is a Marine Biologist and aspiring Christian singer/songwriter. She was born in Texas but raised in New Mexico before traveling to Arkansas to pursue her bachelor's at Southern Arkansas University. There, she also ran cross country and track and completed a minor in music.
After graduating in 2022, she moved to the Mississippi Coast where she currently resides and works as a Fisheries Research Technician at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory. Though moving around isn’t her forte, she joyfully welcomes the journey the Lord is taking her on.

Instagram: @Ceci_Quesada   |   Facebook: Cecilia Quesada


By Carley Rains

Life is about to change before your eyes and being open to new possibilities is the only way to thrive. Change is scary but God created you to endure change with joy (James 1) so take a moment, breathe and enjoy the ride. You’re about to embark on an incredible journey!


Everyone wants you to do something. Go to this school… Do this… Get a job here… Their intentions are good but only you know if you’re doing the Lord’s will.

What is the Lord’s will? You may ask…

On the surface God’s will is simple: Love Him with everything and love your neighbor as yourself. It’s underneath that can get complicated. What am I supposed to do? What’s my purpose? And how can I love God and my neighbor through the gifts, talents, and passions He’s given me?

Here are my top 5 advices to help you understand how God wants you to fulfill the two greatest commandments in Scriptures:

#1 Life flows in seasons.

It’s important to remember that God designed this world to have SEASONS (fall, winter, spring, summer). Our lives are no different. I think sometimes we assume God wants us to do one thing, and if we don’t figure out that one thing then we’ve missed His will. Oh the contrary! There may be a constant theme throughout our lives (like helping children, creativity, missions, etc.) that repeats itself but most likely, God will call you to different projects, jobs, and positions throughout your life. These transitions are the seasons I am referring to and every season has a purpose to help mold us into the image of Christ.

#2 Give God your complete yes.

You will never be fully satisfied until you give God everything. The world will tell you to look within yourself in order to find your purpose, dream job, etc. but the truth is only God knows the job, people, cities, and experiences that will satisfy the desires of your heart. Let Him determine your steps and you will never be unsatisfied.

#3 Pray before every decision (big or small).

When I say every decision, I mean it. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to “Trust the Lord with all of our heart and not to lean on our own understanding. Next it says to acknowledge God in ALL of our ways and He will make our paths straight.” If you want to walk through life in confidence about the decisions you’re making, then I highly recommend always waiting on the direction of the Lord to guide your steps, not your own logic. You don’t know the future and as much as we think we know ourselves, we don’t know what will truly satisfy us like the Lord does.

#4 Don’t move unless God tells you.

One day my husband Briston asked, “What do we do if we’re praying about a decision, but haven’t heard a clear answer from the Lord yet?” I simply responded, “Then you wait until you hear from Him.” Sometimes the Lord doesn’t answer right away because He’s testing our faith and trust in Him. Will we lean on His understanding and guidance more than our own? Do we trust Him as much as we think we do? A few years ago, I took a job without hearing a firm yes from the Lord. I grew impatient and the company needed an answer. Rather than relying on faith and surrendering to the Lord’s voice, I panicked and accepted the position, thinking it was the right one. I can’t tell you if it was or wasn’t the right decision, but what I can say was the job was not what I expected. In fact, I didn’t enjoy the position as much as I had enjoyed my previous one, but how could I have known that without first consulting with the Lord? I firmly believe that if God wants us to do something, He will tell us. We won’t have to guess, but how many times do we ask and listen for His response before acting?

#5 Embrace Change.

Life will try and convince you to life for yourself. Find the job YOU want. Live in the town and place YOU desire. It’s all a bunch of hogwash. Life is about serving others, following God’s nudges, and living a life that pleasing to Him. If you’re walking close with the Lord, change will be a part of your life, and that’s okay! Change isn’t easy, so always give yourself grace to transition, but know that change is a part of God’s design to mold us into Christ’s character. Do not fear it, embrace it and with every transitional season, know that God is giving us opportunities to partner with Him and become better Christians.

Know that every season has its pros and cons, ups and downs. You won’t always like or understand where God is taking you, but if you welcome His spontaneity with hope and courage, you will always succeed.

Good luck my friend and remember. Life is not about finding the one thing God has called you to do, but being obedient with each step He asks you to take. Have a great last year of college.


Your friend,

Carley Rains

Meet the Writer:


Carley lives in Texas with her husband Briston, mini Aussie Lady, and baby girl-on-the-way Bryleigh. She is a writer, graphic designer, and creative junky. In 2021, Carley graduated from Southern Arkansas University with a bachelor's in graphic design and in 2023, a master's in social entrepreneurship. After graduation, she took unexpected jobs and began to notice a trend behind God's design with careers and positions. Now she writes and encourages others in the faith. For more information go to

Instagram: @CarleyRainsAuthor   |   Facebook: Carley Rains   |   YouTube: @CarleyMRains